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Axon Conventional Patch Clamp
Axon Instruments patch-clamp products provide the complete workflow solution for electrophysiology data acquisition and analysis.
Axopatch 200B Amplifier
Single-channel recording and whole-cell voltage-clamp recording
MultiClamp 700B Amplifier
Whole-cell voltage-clamp and current-clamp recordings
Axoclamp 900A Amplifier

Two-electrode voltage-clamp and whole-cell current-clamp recordings


Digidata 1550B plus HumSilencer

Single-channel recording and whole-cell voltage-clamp recording


pCLAMP 10 Software

Whole-cell voltage-clamp and current-clamp recordings


Axoporator 800A

Two-electrode voltage-clamp and whole-cell current-clamp recordings


Axon Accessories

Axon Instruments comprehensive portfolio of consumables, supplies and accessories helps you meet your routine and most demanding patch-clamp challenges


Microarray Scanners
Molecular Devices GenePix platform is based on 25 years of expertise in low-noise signal amplification and optical design. The systems can handle any slide-based microarray study, from small one- or two-fluor applications to multiple-fluor high-throughput projects requiring automated sample handling and secure enterprise-wide data management and analysis. All GenePix scanners include one license of GenePix Pro Image Acquisition and Analysis Software, the benchmark tool for the acquisition and analysis of microarray images.
GenePix 4300/4400 Microarray Scanner

Setting the standard for high resolution, high uniformity and sample type flexibility


GenePix 4100A Microarray Scanner
High quality imaging for two-color microarrays
GenePix 4000B Microarray Scanner

Fast, high-quality imaging for two-color microarrays


GenePix SL50 Automated Slide Loader

Adds automatic slide handling for GenePix 4300/4400 scanners for increased throughput


Array Suppliers

Thorough listing of array suppliers by application, array name and compatibility with Molecular Devices systems.



GOBlot - The First Affordable Western Blot Processor


1 GOBlot Machine (Cat. # WBM01)

4 GOBlot Machines (Cat. # WBM01)


The GOBlot Western Blot Processor is a reliable fluid delivery device for reproducibly probing blots and membranes with primary and secondary antibodies. It was developed after communication with hundreds of research scientists over the past two years. They required a cost-effective machine that would reproduce the hands-on method using a rocker platform and exchanging buffers manually.

GOBlot Western Blot Processor

The equipment is composed of valves, pumps, a motorized tilting platform and a control board that coordinates timing with the application of the correct solution to the membrane or blot. It can operate at room temperature or in a cold room*. All commonly used buffers are applicable, e.g. PBST and TBST. The purchase of the machine comes with a full warranty (parts & labor or replacement) for up to one year after the date of purchase.

* - Note cold room operation on order if applicable.


GOBlot™ Advantages


No Expensive Consumables and Recycles Your Primary Antibody

The GOBlot allows the operator to load up of their own membranes, add their blocking solution, primary and secondary antibodies.  Plus, the GOBlot makes it easy to recycle your primary antibody.


Choice of Four Routines

Choose from the four pre-loaded routines (See Manual).  Then press the start button and walk away.  Return after four hours to develop your blot using fluorescence, chemiluminescence or another method of detection. 


Modular and Economical

The machine is designed to be modular and economical so that you utilize multiple machines running at different times with different routines and different antibodies, in other words, it’s very flexible for multiple users. Also being modular means that you can add new units when the budget allows or your project demands it.

For more information on electro-transfer of proteins to membrances click here


Product Description MSDS Datasheet Cat #
GOBlot™ - The First Affordable Western Blot Processor Cat. # WBM01


Stereotaxic Instruments
Are you a Neuroscientist? Do you want to get superior stereotaxic and behavior equipment?

Stoelting provide complete stereotaxic instruments and behavioral solutions

Ultra Precise Rat Stereotaxic Instruments
Ultra-Precise Manipultators provide high-accuracy positioning
Motorized Rat Stereotaxic Instruments
Motorized control in all 3 orthogonal axes
Dual New Standard™ Stereotaxic, Rat and Mouse

Decrease surgical time and reduce errors with the Dual Arm version of the New Standard™ Stereotaxic


Digital Rat Stereotaxic Instrument
Digital arms increases accuracy and reduces error
Motorized Manipulator Arms
Automated movement in all 3 orthogonal axes
Lab Standard with Mouse & Neonatal Rat Adaptor

Use the Classic Lab Standard Stereotaxic with Mice


Any-Box. Stoelting' Multi-Configuration Behavior Apparatus
■ 기본적인 요소는 함께 기반을 두나 행동 분석을 위한 유연하고 알맞은 방법을 제공하는 다른 여러 장비들

■ 기억, 약효, 운동 활성, 탐구활동, 스트레스 반응, 불안 발작 연구

Conditioned Place Preference

Environmental/Spatial Place Conditioning


Completely automated system designed to make behavioral tracking convenient and affordable
Light/Dark Box

For Light/Dark Conflict testing


Hole Board

For exploratory and/or spatial learning and memory experiments

Open Field

Used to assess exploratory behavior and validated for use in the measurement of anxiety


Water Maze

The Morris Water Maze is one of the most widely used methods to assess spatial and learning memory.

any-maze video tracking software
■ 탄력적인 디자인, 쉬운 실험 설계-plus maze, water-maze, T-maze, activity boxes, forced swim test, etc

■ 간단한 Running tests

■ 실험 동물 그룹간 비교를 위해 각 동물의 100가지 측정과 30가지의 통계 시험을 진행


Promethion Line

■ Calorimetry, respirometry, metabolic/behavioral phenotyping, gas analysis 를 위한 최첨단의 측정 시스템 디자인 및 생산 업체

■ Sable Systems의 제품은 신뢰할 수 있는 정확한 결과를 도출

■ 최적의 작업 진행을 가능하게 함

■ Promethion line은 metabolic, behavioral 정보 동시 수집

■ 가능 가스분석체인을 사용하여 다수의 cage 동시 측정, 최대 10배 측정 속도 향상


■ Promethion line은 타사 제품이 놓치는 데이터까지 수집 및 자동 분석

■ Experience the most accurate and advanced phenotyping system and software

■ Body mass, food intake, water intake, mouse movement and wheel revolutions provide a comprehensive platform for behavior analysis.

■ Gay Analysis Chain을 사용하여 다수의 cage 동시 측정, 최대 10배 측정 속도 향상

Promethion Cages
■ 기본적인 요소는 함께 기반을 두나 행동 분석을 위한 유연하고 알맞은 방법을 제공하는 다른 여러 장비들

■ 기억, 약효, 운동 활성, 탐구활동, 스트레스 반응, 불안 발작 연구

Wheel Activity Monitoring
3721 Mouse Cage
Promethion High-Definition Multiplexed Respirometry Cage for Mice
Light/Dark Box

Promethion High-Definition Multiplexed Respirometry Cage for Rats


Food Intake Monitoring
4826 Rat Cage

4826 Rat Cage with wheel and accessories


Water Intake Monitoring
Body Mass Monitoring
Total Activity Monitoring

New Product


■ The best-in-class Promethion AC-2 metabolic screening access control module for automated food access이전 모델인 AC-1 module의 장점을 모두 살리고 부족한 점 개선

■ numerous feeding programs (paired, yoked, duration-limited and quantity-limited), entirely in-cage design

■ 강력한 temperature sensor로 bedding surface temperature 모니터링, 실험 동물이 있을 때의 detection 장애 개선

3D Cell Culture SPHEROID COUNTER Cell3 iMager CC-5000


■ 2D cell culture는 in vivo 상의 cell morphology와 상이

■ in vitro data와 in vivo data 차이 유발

■ 3D cell culture를 통해 multi layers, colony, cluster 형태로 배양

■ in vitro 상태와 비슷하여 data의 정확도 향상

■ 3D cell culture로 발표한 논문은 10년 동안 빠른 증가 추세


Advantagers of High Speed Spheroid Scanner Cell 3 iMager CC-5000
1. Image capturing  
The high-resolution scanning of whole well plates in a bright field enables morphological observation of various types of cytomas and spheroids.

2. Follow-up  
The use of white LED lights has little influence on the cells during scanning, allowing live cell observation.

3. Whole plate image control  
Batch storage of both plate and well images assures easy storage of all tested images.


4. Drug sensitivity evaluation (incl. cell viability test)  
Over 50 types of cancer cells were tested inhouse for their drug susceptibility to confirm correlativity with the ATP assay.

5. Processing speed / Fewer processes  
Processing time is 2 minutes per plate (at 2400 dpi). The reagent-free system, eliminating reagent dropping, allows easy operation by simply placing culture plates to scan.

6. Morphological quantification  
Following scan data measurement command, volume (pseudo volume), area and number are easily read out, and their histograms automatically prepared.


  우)08501 서울특별시 금천구 가산디지털1로 233, 1401호 (가산동, 에이스하이엔드타워9차)
  Ace Highend Tower 9th 1401, 233 Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea
  Tel : 070.7452.0677 , 070.7452.0680 | Fax : 070.7469.0677 | E-mail : neuroconvergence@gmail.com